Other Projects


Jannis Eggelsmann also acts in front of the camera in films. He has been in front of the camera for several years as a minor actor and extra in feature films, advertising and art films. In this way he gains experience as a performer, which he brings to the stage as an authentic performance.

I prefer to play roles that are macabre, broken and require physical effort. For me, an interesting character always has something inexplicable about him, but he can of course also appear as a fun-loving young man who has his crazy antics. That's why I find it exciting to create roles that tell a story from the character.


Jannis doesn't dance on stage, but he has been training the so-called "popping dance" for several years, a style that exists among us almost like pantomime and yet is still rather "unknown". A dance that presents itself with illusionary means through conscious body control. This dance combines elements from mime and complements each other perfectly, which is why popping is second in my training along with robot dance, waving dance and boogalloo dance.

Poppy dance includes several styles that can be combined together.


Music and sound are an important narrative tool in my work. Through precise selection and sound connections, I develop my own sound alongside a stage program. Here I design my own audio with music and sound. With fascination and a love of experimentation, I develop sound that conveys expression and mood. This so-called sound design work stands out in my work. A skill that I am developing further so that I can soon develop sound for other productions.

I definitely picked up my feeling for sound and music from my family of musicians.


Miriam Flick and I have been working together since the beginning of the “Corona crisis”. We developed the “Cloak Work” performance. A duo performance with which we have been playing at festivals and parties over the years. This walk act later developed further under the Outside Eye with Selina Senti.

Since 2024, the company “Physical-Stories” has existed under Miriam Flick, in which I am a part as a performer.

Mime Explosion:

In mid-2024, Jannis Eggelsmann came up with the idea of ​​setting up a performance platform for mimes, Together with Vera Kindler, Kiki Havem and Philippe Ducasse, They designed a program in which we showed our various performances together in “Mime Explosion”. We are already looking forward to the second edition of this series.